Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Power of the List

Did you ever think that simply writing something down could make it so much more likely to get done? I have found this to be so true for me and I am trying to be better about making notes for myself. Remember, you should never have to purchase notepads for this purpose. The mailman usually furnishes me with enough junk mail and packets of advertisements (many of them with a blank back side) so I can cut them into the perfect size for either a short note or a long grocery list. Also, save your botched computer printouts for this purpose.

You can stick a few grocery sized notes on the frig with a magnet and it will always be handy for anyone in the household to add to when they realize something is running out. Of course, I am lost if I forget to grab this list on my way out to grocery shop, only to walk aimlessly around the store knowing that when I get home I will kick myself for forgetting to buy the key ingredient I needed for supper.

We have one of those over-sized paper clips on a stand where we can leave messages for each other and we all know to look on the counter for a note when we come home or wake up and we wonder where everyone went.

My goal this summer is to do some serious organizing of my stuff to help simplify my life. So I am going to write lists of things to try to accomplish. Even the fact that I am writing this down in my blog makes me feel like it is more likely to happen. I have so many raw materials because I love to make gifts and things instead of buying them and my hobbies require fabrics and yarns. At any moment, with my stuff combined with Dave's workshop of his raw materials, we could fabricate a new part for or mend anything (even replacing piano keys or bridle straps). All our raw materials along with our camping gear makes me think we could survive for a long time here in our home, building furniture, making our clothes and cooking with home grown food. We would need to work on a better garden though - our herbs would only take us just so far!

I think I have rambled on in a few different directions, but I just wanted to get across the point that if you make a list (hopefully the night before) of what you want to accomplish in a day, then prioritize it, you will be much more likely to get it done. What you don't finish, starts the list for the next day. Just be sure to include some things on that list that use your talents, some that lift your spirits along with a few things that frighten you, but must be done.

Happy listing,

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